Can You See Me?
According to some comments I received under my last Facebook post when people look at me, they see an unhappy, old businessman. As they put it, although I have everything to feel good, I do not look blissfully happy. For me, happiness is just a state. It is a certain cast of mind, not the destination.
Obviously, I am not the perfect embodiment of happiness, and I do not even want to be.
THIS man, whom others see, was not built in a day.
• THIS is experience – Experiencing the kindness after the malignity.
• THIS is pain – Accepting the pain so that it could make me wiser.
• THIS is uncertainty – Having faith in others after the lies.
• THIS is humiliation – Listening to the vituperation coming from those who are wrong.
• THIS is grief – Playing the roles when no one really cares about who I am.
• THIS is inner youth – Accepting the unity of the body, mind, and soul.
I hat to go through all of THIS in order to reach the recent ME.
I am a book lying open but not everyone can see my pages. This 298 years old sycamore can see and feel me. Have a deeper look at me. What do you see?