They say mathematics is the language of science and music is the language of emotion. I wasn’t great at either at school but that doesn’t have to stop a person from building up a business or picking up an instrument – and it shouldn’t!
If you look at some of the most successful businesspeople and musicians – Steve Jobs, Anita Roddick (who I had the pleasure of meeting), John Lennon, or Lady Gaga, these people had either very little formal training or they dropped out of college to pursue their creative ideas.
I see myself as Hungarian first and European second, so I sympathize with the people of the UK but their decision to leave the EU was still a shock. We Hungarians have always appreciated the UK as a strong balancing voice in the EU and that’s something we are sure to miss.
Being an entrepreneur I am perfectly aware of the feeling of having a sufreit of something.
Every relationship is a roller coaster with either lower or higher swings.
There is one thing what connects every single person on earth - mother. Today, on the occasion of Mother's Day, we honor and say thanks to the women who sacrificed a certain part of their life for us, for their children.
I learned the first guitar chords many-many years ago in the hospital when I was still recovering from my accident. To distract my mind I started humming melodies, then bent over an anthology trying to connect the words with the tune. Then, I did not expect my love with music an poetry last a lifetime.
Love and tragedy: New music video by Joseph Felföldi tells wartime story of mother’s first love.
I often hear that the youth of this generation has an enormous potential.
Most people have the priviledge to appreciate the proximity of their parents.
Dezső Kosztolányi had collected the list of the subjectively most beautiful words for the first time.
This morning, before I went cycling I was thinking about all the things that I face.