Joseph Felfoldi - Blog

Have you ever thought about what is goin on in other people’s mind? Get a deeper insight into my head pondering over life, business, human relations and many more.

Wraps you and weighs you down

22. May 2018.
The Writer

There was a time when I was really fat.  

Lifelong learning

22. May 2018.
The Business Entrepreneur, The Writer

I admire everyone who has chosen lifelong learning

Seeding and reaping

22. May 2018.
The Business Entrepreneur

Business should be about seeding, not reaping. The fundament of this is learning. I learn, develop, test, fail, edify, correct and think again every day in my work. But in the meantime, I am constantly marching towards my goal. Now, I would like to list some important realizations which have moved me forward in business. Let’s call it the ‘13 Rules of a Business Man’.

Men, Dare to Be MEN

14. May 2018.
The Philantropist

I want to encourage all men out there who have all done wrong, made bad choices, mistakes or are trying to live right and become a better man… DO NOT GIVE UP.

There Is No Efficient Work Without Honesty

14. May 2018.
The Business Entrepreneur

Everything goes smoothly and the work is also easier in a trustful, honest environment. 


14. May 2018.
The Business Entrepreneur

Being an owner of a Hungarian company, I am convinced that the youth succeeding on the native soul is who we can build our future on.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

14. May 2018.
The Writer

You should leave the road followed,

Silence Is Important

14. May 2018.
The Business Entrepreneur

Due to my lifestyle, I experience many intense situations.

You Can't Cross the Same River Twice

14. May 2018.
The Writer, The Philantropist

I could spend hours watching nature’s creations; mountains, stars, streams. 


14. May 2018.
The Writer

Choose happiness above everything else

Earth Day 2018

11. May 2018.
The Writer

Blessed are they who notice the life in a grain of wheat, for they not only look but see.

Women, the Future Leaders?

11. May 2018.
The Business Entrepreneur

A few weeks ago I have participated in an event. The main topic was the inequality of men and women in business.


11. May 2018.
The Writer

Sky-high desert around me

The Power of Words

11. May 2018.
The Business Entrepreneur

I know it is discreditable but when I am nervous I tend to use a foul language. It was when I was thirteen years old when my parents warned me that I turn the air blue.

Ten Commandments and the Modern Days

11. May 2018.
The Writer

You can follow whatever creed or system of belief. You may even be an atheist. May you be however openminded or free-spirited, if you make mistakes, sooner or later you will find out, that your acts go back to you in some form.

Can You See Me?

11. May 2018.
The Business Entrepreneur

According to some comments I received under my last Facebook post when people look at me, they see an unhappy, old businessman. As they put it, although I have everything to feel good, I do not look blissfully happy. For me, happiness is just a state. It is a certain cast of mind, not the destination.

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My Blog - spontaneous, astounding, sincere

Where Are You Going?

25. november 2019.
The Writer, The Philantropist

I often hear that the youth of this generation has an enormous potential. 

Why Is Everything More Important?

20. november 2019.
The Writer, The Philantropist

Most people have the priviledge to appreciate the proximity of their parents.

About the World of Words

19. november 2019.
The Writer

Dezső Kosztolányi had collected the list of the subjectively most beautiful words for the first time.

Now I Am 65...

11. november 2019.
The Writer

This morning, before I went cycling I was thinking about all the things that I face.

Classic Kitchen
Felfoldi Music